Oil Derivates Products

Base Oil

Base Oil is the name given to lubrication grade oils initially produced from refining crude oil (mineral base oil) or through chemical synthesis (synthetic base oil).more...


Bitumen is a mixture of Organic Liquids that are highly Viscous, Black, Sticky, Entirely Soluble in Carbon Disulfide, and composed primarily of highly condensed Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.more...

Fuller Earth

Fuller’s earth consists chiefly of hydrated aluminum silicates that contain metal ions such as magnesium, sodium, and calcium within their structure.more...

Paraffin Wax

Paraffin wax, classified as a chemical preservative, is widely used on fruits, vegetables, and candy to make them shiny and pretty as well as to retard moisture loss and spoilage.more...

Slack Wax

Slack waxes are minimally refined high oil products. They are derived from lubricating oils and often find applications "as they are" with relatively high oil content, more...

Rubber Process Oil

Rubber process oils can be broadly classified into three basic groups depending on the physical arrangement of the carbon atoms namely more...